septiembre 10, 2020

Hello world!

Welcome to WordPress. This is your first post. Edit or delete it, then start writing!

With our service you don’t know to install anything on your own server. We host the demos & manage the demo sites for you.

Option 1: Simple easy, quick and free

The easiest way to start is to link to and pass the plugin or theme parameter. Either of those can be a zip file or plugin or theme’s slug.

Create a WordPress plugin demo using its slug 
Example: plugin page:
slug: orbisius-child-theme-creator

Create a WordPress plugin demo using a direct download link

Create a WordPress theme demo using its slug 
Example: plugin page:
slug: oceanwp

Create a WordPress theme demo using a direct download link

Option 2: Advanced

You can use the features from option 1 and pass additional parameters such as redirect url (user can land on your plugin/theme’s main page), support and buy now links.

Another option is that we can create a demo site template that you’ll be able to configure it the way you’d like it. We’ll package it and all the demo sites will be based on that site.

Sign up to request an invitation when this is out of beta.

Features / Benefits

  • Quick set up. The demo site creation usually completes within 15 seconds (we’re constantly looking for ways to optimizing this even further).
  • (Almost) no friction (captcha code is required to before starting the process).
  • After the demo set up the user is automatically logged in saving another click
  • Dedicated, private and isolated WP demo sites – your clients won’t see any garbage content entered the users before them
  • Automatic site expiration – we take care of that
  • No additional load on your server because we’re hosting them
  • The demo set up is quick because we’ve made some awesome optimizations
  • you can optionally have buy now and support links shown in the top WordPress admin bar so users can get in touch with you with pre-sales questions or to directly buy the product.
  • No risk of somebody hacking into your main site because of an outdated demo site with plugins/themes.
  • Pre-configure a demo site template by installing plugins/themes
  • Demo sites can start fresh (default WP) or be an exact replica of the demo site template that you’ve created. (we do that manually for now)
  • Redirect URL: The users can be redirected directly to your plugin’s main page saving your users a click
  • The demo sites have a timer showing how much time they have left before the demo site expires and gets deleted