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With our service you don’t know to install anything on your own server. We host the demos & manage the demo sites for you.
The easiest way to start is to link to https://wpdemo.net/try and pass the plugin or theme parameter. Either of those can be a zip file or plugin or theme’s WordPress.org slug.
Create a WordPress plugin demo using its slug
Example: plugin page: wordpress.org/plugins/orbisius-child-theme-creator
slug: orbisius-child-theme-creator
link: https://wpdemo.net/try?plugin=orbisius-child-theme-creator
Create a WordPress plugin demo using a direct download link
Create a WordPress theme demo using its WordPress.org slug
Example: plugin page: wordpress.org/themes/oceanwp
slug: oceanwp
link: https://wpdemo.net/try?theme=oceanwp
Create a WordPress theme demo using a direct download link
You can use the features from option 1 and pass additional parameters such as redirect url (user can land on your plugin/theme’s main page), support and buy now links.
Another option is that we can create a demo site template that you’ll be able to configure it the way you’d like it. We’ll package it and all the demo sites will be based on that site.
Sign up to request an invitation when this is out of beta.